Here we are in Potato Point and it is wet,wet,wet!
Since sucessfully climbing Mt Koscuszko we have been very relaxed on the coast of N.S.W. We have been toTathra and stayed right on the beach and now we are here in Potato Point visiting friends.
Back in N.S.W. finally!
Since Mildura we have been to Ballarat and tried to find our fortune (although unsuccessful), Benalla and saw soooo many gliders, Albury/Woodonga and saw the beautiful Muarry River again!, then to Tumut and learned lots about the 'snowy moutains hydro elctricity scheme'
Now we are here in Jindebyne and we are going to atempt to climb Mt. Kosciuszko.
See ya
We are in Mildura now back over east abd it is now soooo much easy with time zones!
Had a lovely time in Adelaide, we watched a great game of Basketball and made great friends!
We have had a lot of fun in Mildura (although we forgot The Melbourne Cup it stops Vic. for sure). We have seen where the Muarry and Darling river meet, as well as seeing sand dunes (altough sadly Morgan and I could not Sand board down we enjoyed running down them. Today we went to Mungo National Park and saw the place where they found some of the oldest human bones outside of Africa!
See ya