Restell's A Roaming

Hi I am in Mittagong the see my Nanny and Grandpa.  Two days ago we went to Canberra and we went to the Mint.  I got a coin and we saw them mint new coins.  They can make $6 000 000 a day!  Then we went to the War Memorial.  In the World War 2 part there were Harley Davison motor bikes that they drove in 1939.  There was a show that showed how you bombed towns and other older planes that had guns and spotters and explosions and sirens. 
Yesterday we went to Sydney on the train.  For lunch we went to China Town and had soup and noodles.  In the morning we wnet to the Rocks.  they were the first european people to live in Australia.  In the afternoon we went to the Power house Museum and saw part of level 1 only.  There was so much to see and we didn't get to see everything.  There were old cars, trains and space ships (you got to see what it was like inside the space shuttle).  There was also roberts and you played a game against one and when he won (which he always did) he laughted at you.  We saw a big one like him working at the Mint.  You had to power up a fire engine by riding a bike, you created your own fire works and so much stuff.  If you are in Sydney you should go there!
Go Queensland!  See you later.  Morgan
5/31/2010 12:50:10 pm

Hi Morgan, How is it going? I've been to a lot of those places !!!!!
My favourite place in Canberra was Qeustacon. Have you been there? It's sooooooooo much fun.
Have you seen snow yet?

From Josh!!

6/14/2010 01:32:29 pm

Hey you, you aint up dated this for some time, so get to it, the chalk mark on the front porch is still there my visitors like them. hope you are enjoying yourself like your sister, loves ya go the blues ... pop


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